Martin Claus

Martin Claus

Martin Claus

Martin CLAUS est un bogosse qui nous arrive de CORDOBA en Andalousie ! Imberbe, plut't actif, 20 cm entre les jambes, ce latino a choisir notre label pour commencer sa carri're d'acteur porno.. Un sourire omni pr'sent, des dents super blanche, on a kiff? ce mec car il se marre tout le temps et il vraiment sympathique sur un plateau de tournage.. il bande tout le temps lol..
Los videos de Martin Claus en Crunchboy
Martin Claus ha jugado en 3 videos gay en Crunchboy

I went to Barcelona there's not very long with my friend Brian NEXT and we went to the sauna .. Over there we met a super nice guy, Martin CLAUS with a perfect body and a cock .. The extraordinary guy we started mater in the jacuzzi and he did a fit in to my friend Brian . When he sat on the edge of the jacuzzi, he begin to show off with a super stiff cock and I super gets off to film all this and this ... this is for you ; o) !!!


A hang in abandoned places, we risk making bad encounter. Here the young Rod, who thought to be quiet on this Sunday afternoon and wanted to just relax in a place that felt deserted. No luck, it will fall on a sex maniac who will benefit from being isolated to screw a good ass céfran, good puck deflowered . This is literally the explosion of pussy that will afflict the Cuban -hung twink who asked nothing